1. Help Centre
  2. Residential Lending Criteria

Adverse credit

MPowered operates a system of credit scoring which along with hard credit rules determines the acceptability of applications. In terms of specific credit rules:


We cannot accept:

  • Unsatisfied CCJ’s
  • Applications where there is 1 or more satisfied CCJs registered in the last 3 years, and either:
    • 2 or more satisfied CCJs in total in the last 6 years, or
    • Total value of CCJs over the last 6 years >£200for


  • We can consider an application where there is one satisfied CCJ seven months ago, the value is less than or equal to £200, and this is the only CCJ – providing there is an adequate explanation for the CCJ
  • We can consider an application where there are 2 satisfied CCJs, regardless of value, as long as neither of the CCJs were registered within the last 3 years, and both CCJs are satisfied

Bankruptcy / IVA / DRO

  • We cannot accept bankruptcy, IVA, DRO registered in the last 6 years, irrespective of status


  • No previous repossessions acceptable


We cannot accept:

  • Unsatisfied Defaults
  • Applications where there is 1 or more satisfied Defaults in the last 3 years, and either:
    • 4 or more satisfied Defaults in the last 6 years, or
    • Total value of Defaults over the last 6 years >£200


  • We can consider an application where there is one satisfied default seven months ago, the value is less than or equal to £200, and this is the only Default – providing there is an adequate explanation for the Default
  • We can consider an application where there are 3 satisfied Defaults, regardless of value, as long as neither of the Defaults were registered within the last 3 years, and both Defaults are satisfied

* We ignore communications defaults with opening account balances <£500

Arrears (secured and unsecured)

  • No more than 1 in last 6 months aggregated across all accounts
  • No more than 2 in 24 months aggregated across all accounts

* We ignore communications arrears with opening account balances <£500

Debt Management Plans

  • We will not accept cases where a DMP was started in the last 6 years

Payday loans

  • Not acceptable if any payday loan has been taken out in the last 2 years